Hotel EastWest in Geneva

It's a very pink and purple hotel!


C'est ma ville préférée. 
Il a une merveilleuse architecture médiévale, 
un lac et un parc.

Questa è la mia città preferita. 
Ha meravigliosa architettura medievale, 
un lago e un parco.

This is my favorite town.
It has wonderful Medieval architecture,
a lake, and a park.


C'est un biscuit et bonbons boutique adorable.

Questo è un negozio di biscotti e caramelle adorabile.

This is an adorable biscuit and candy shop.

J'aime les arches.

Lo amo gli archi.

I love the arches.

petits chocolats mignon

carino cioccolatini

Cute little chocolates

C'est un endroit de bon goût. 
Ils tuyau de la musique classique dans le parking public.

Questo è un luogo di buon gusto. 
Essi tubo musica classica nel parcheggio pubblico.

This is one tasteful place.
They pipe classical music into the public parking lot.


These are all out of order
but it took an hour and a half
to load the photos and that's all the effort they deserve!

Parasailers waiting for an updraft

And there they go!

Front of our hotel

Cute chairs

The town feels more Swiss than French
if for no other reason than
no one has nice hair here
...oh and the prevalence of Swiss chalet architecture.

Mont Blanc

Aiguille du Midi

L'Aiguille du Midi 12,600 feet

Inside Aiguille du Midi

Glen Plake the famous extreme skier guy,
right there on the mountain with our gondola group!

Mont Blanc

Inside the Gondola

And here we go...dooooowwn!
